Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Welcome back December!
It’ll be my month my December of course. Um, first of all I’m so sorry because of my inactively, in the last November I’ve been done my school examination, and like it or not I must prepare some of materials and yes until now this day is the last day for exam. Seriously I wish for my luckily scores, so automatically I get my dream to pleasing my mom and dad, but it still become a wish. And I wish it’ll be a true wish! Okay okay anyway I heard that some of modem’s brand T***O*S*L**ASH was changed? Ohya? I hear from my brother’s modem is now become very expensive, at first with RP. 50.000,00 can use for 1 month (30days) but now it just used for 14days. Oh God I can’t believe that but I am not too brave for try that! I’m afraid for being lost. You can imagine that wasting 50.000.00 just for 14 day? Aha of course no! I've try to called my last friend that skilled enough on that matter she told me that better change the modem with the other cellular such a S**RT or TR** but I feel doubtful about the network.. Oh God, anyone help me? I just want the cheapest one :D

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